Manor houses and castles on the Someș valley
The publication titled Manor Houses and Castles on the Someș Valley presents fourteen historic monuments of Cluj County – some more popular, others less so. A few of these serve as positive examples, however, many building histories are unfolding towards tragic ends in front of our eyes. Our goal is to draw attention to this part of our heritage. We would like to encourage decision makers, opinion leaders, civilians, and community members to think together and create strategies for the use of heritage, the cornerstones of which could be preserving the uniqueness of its values and taking into consideration the expectations/ feelings of local communities. In the lack of a comprehensive national strategy for saving our built heritage, its preservation is our shared responsibility.
Authors: Eke Zsuzsanna, Ioana Rus-Cacovean
Translations: Eke Zsuzsanna
Photos: Lepedus-Sisko Péter, Kiss Gábor
Archival images:
Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum, Központi Adattár és Digitális Képarchívum, Budapest
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Térkép-, Plakát- és Kisnyomtatványtár, Budapest
Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest
Muzeul Național Secuiesc, Sfântu Gheorghe
Institutul Național al Patrimoniului, București
Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Lucian Blaga”, Cluj-Napoca
Szabó Tamás photographer
Preprint: IDEA PLUS, Cluj
Graphic design: Könczey Elemér
Image editing: Szentes Zágon
Layout: Fazakas Botond
Printed by: IDEA
Director: Nagy Péter
The creation of this publication was supported by the Cluj-Napoca City Hall and Local Council, as well as by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
© Transylvania Trust 2023