Transylvania Trust Foundation

The Transylvania Trust is a registered charity, set up by conservation professionals and volunteers in 1996. Our principal aim is to conserve and promote Transylvania’s rich and diverse built heritage, to encourage society to be receptive towards the built environment. The Trust is active in all fields of conservation: data recording, inventory, survey, building restoration, maintenance, training, and also scientific research.



The BHCT centre is run by the Transylvania Trust.


International cooperation

The BHCT project over the past few years has established co-operation with a number of institutions:



His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales
National Cultural Fund, Hungary
Environmental Partnership, through the Living heritage programme
EEA Financial Mechanism Norwegian Financial Mechanism
Ministry of Culture and Cults
Ministry of National Cultural Heritage, Hungary
National office of Cultural heritage, Hungary
The Getty Grant
S.C. Secpral Pro Instaltii S.R.L.
S.C. Bronto Comprod S.R.L
The British Council
The Headley Trust
European Union, through the Ministry of European Integration, Romania, Phare 2002
European Union, Culture 2000 framework programme in support of culture – 2005
European Union, Culture 2000 framework programme in support of culture – 2006
World Monuments Fund
V. District of Budapest – Belváros Lipótváros, HU
Communitas Foundation, RO
ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee, HU
Council of Cluj-Napoca, RO
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, RO
National Office of Cultural Heritage, HU
Ministry of National Resources, HU
Pieme Ltd, RO
Pro Professione Foundation, HU
Pro Restauratio Ltd, RO
National Cultural Fund, RO
Secpral Pro Instalatii, RO
The Prince of Wales Foundation, UK
World Monuments Fund – Robert Wilson Challenge
Council and Mayor Hall of Bontida Village, RO
European Comission, Directorate-General Enlargement – EuropeAid
European Comission, Directorate-General Education and Culture – Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci
Bethlen Gábor Fund, HU
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HU
Union of Architects of Romania
Department of Interethnic Relations, Romania